Tom Macaskill

Tom Macaskill has always been involved in creative writing, ever since taking an MA in English-Celtic at Aberdeen University. As a teacher he wrote plays for school concerts and since his arrival in London, some 30 years ago, he has taken a strong interest in theatre and literature. After stepping down from a variety of posts in the Civil Service, which he performed entirely to his own satisfaction, he has been involved in creative literary work.

He is very grateful to his friends in the Bonnington Writers Group for their help and support in the development of his playwriting skills: alongside this work, he has developed a second career, in his mother tongue, as a frequent broadcaster on London events and culture on BBC Radio nan Gaidheal which serves the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.

His contribution to the Ellen Terry suite of plays was his first professionally performed piece of work.

Email Tom: [email protected]

Bonnington Playwrights: